The following sermons by Rev. David Cook Young are available as
Adobe Acrobat
files, for you to read and/or print:
September 26, 2004
"The Beauty of the Lord"
September 19, 2004
"How to Pray for the President"
September 12, 2004
"How to Give God Joy"
June 6, 2004
"God Above Us, Beside Us, Within Us"
May 16, 2004
"Blessed Are the Weak"
April 25, 2004
"The Completely Unexpected Jesus"
April 11, 2004 (Easter)
"The Past and the Future All Belong to You"
April 4, 2004 (Palm Sunday)
"Acclaim the King"
March 28, 2004 (Youth Sunday)
No sermon by Rev. Young
March 21, 2004
"Say It With Music"
March 14, 2004
"How Far is Heaven From Earth"
February 29, 2004
"A Very Familiar Voice"
February 15, 2004
"Heart-to-Heart Talk"
February 8, 2004
"Put Out Into the Deep"
February 1, 2004
"The Answer to the Riddle"
January 25, 2004
"We Need Each Other"
January 18, 2004
"What Are Your Spiritual Gifts"
January 11, 2004
"In the Power of God's Spirit"